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Astrological Match-Maker

Q: How long will I be on the waiting list?


A: Shannon enjoys giving the most personalized experience and wants to devote her focus strictly on the individual when it is time for their turn. Each case comes on a first-come first-serve basis; therefore, it truly depends on the time of year and the number of people ahead of you. 

The best example Shannon can provide is this: If there is one client ahead of you, please expect to wait for your case to start between 1 day and 1 week. After you contact Shannon she will let you know the approximate wait time; however, she must recieve your completed Questionnaire and payment before beginning calculations.

Q: How long does it take for Shannon to do the math?


A: It honestly depends on the person. It can take from as little as 8 hours to 40 hours or longer. The enitre process, from the time you contact Shannon until you recieve a birth-date for your most compatible match, can take anywhere from 2 days -4 weeks.

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